Showzi Tsukamoto’s Urushi Art Eyewear is made of engraved precious metals, titanium and gold. The base frame is adjusted to individual size, then it is varnished with Urushi more than 20 times to create a thick layer; the method known as "Kintaishitsugei". Another technique, called "Makie", where pure gold and silver are sprinkled on the surface and covered with further layers of Urushi for a glossy mirror finish, is known as "Roirokyoumen".
Urushi Art Eyewear is made of the precious Japanese Urushi, collected in the region of Jyohoji temple in the northern prefecture, Iwate. Refined products "KijiroUrushi" and "Kuroroiro Urushi" are high in quality, their transparency giving the finished surface a profound luster. Unlike affordable Chinese Urushi that dominates 99% of consumption in Japan today, Japanese Urushi is used only for luxury products due to the cost. The specific climate of the region and the kind of Urushi tree makes the products a superior one. "Kijiro Urushi" is suited for attaining vivid color and glossy texture, while "Kuroroiro Urushi" is perfect for creating the mirror finish, a rich black shiny surface.
More than any jewelry, glasses are worn everyday as a signature to our face.
Price:starting at Japanese Yen 700,000 and up (US$7,000)
To order original Urushi Art Eyeware
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